MAGAZINE OF THE MONTH: Can you imagine the world without internet being and ABBA fan? Well, during

MAGAZINE OF THE MONTH: Can you imagine the world without internet being and ABBA fan? Well, during
MAGAZINE OF THE MONTH: Can you imagine the world without internet being and ABBA fan? Well, during the 80´s and 90´s we didn´t have the chance to comunicate to each other by this wonderful via, so ABBA fan club magazines and newsletter were made to calm our desire to know and share with fans from all over the world, each time we will have the review of one of this mags or newsletter made by fans and distributed by ordinary mail. This month we have.... ABBAround the world magazine (edited by Rik Eijek and Mark Herok from Holland with the help of Inez Buytenhek, Rachel Eijer and Björn Waldenstrom)

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

BAO Se presentó este 27 de julio 2011 en una ciudad del sur de Suecia. They played for 7,000 people!

El castillo de Sofiero se encuentra muy cerca de Helnsigborg, al sur de Suecia. Se construyó en el siglo XIX y fue una de las residencias de la familia real sueca. Hoy en dia esta abierto al público y cuenta con uno de los mejores restaurantes de la zona. También sirve como galería de arte, está rodeado de unos agradables jardines que tienen muchos rincones y allí se presentó Benny Andersson y sus músicos de BAO, en otra escala de su tour que continúa el 28 de julio en Gotemburgo.

The castle of Sofiero are located very near Helnsigborg in southern Sweden. It was built in the 19th century and was one of the residences of the swedish royal family. Today is open to the public, with one of the best restaurants in the area.  It also serves as an art gallery, is sorrounded by pleasant gardens that have many corners and was introduced there Benny Andersson  and his musicians of BAO, on another scale of their tour that continues the july 28 in Gothenburg.

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